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God is stirring a real discipleship movement in our nation and beyond. We call this movement the Decade of Discipleship because we believe there needs to be an intense focus for at least ten years on making disciples. The seeds planted in the coming decade will take root and grow for many years. God is preparing His church for what is coming, and He will raise up a new generation of leaders to multiply the number of disciples to impact the world. People are hungry for discipleship in new, deep ways. God is issuing this same call to many other leaders around the world. This is a global movement. The Global Discipleship Congress (hosted in Manila in 2013) set a goal for this decade: to recruit 20,000 disciple-making churches and equip 100,000 individual disciple-makers in order to mobilize 1 million disciples who will continue to multiply. Christianity Today and other journals are devoting numerous cover stories to the importance of discipleship. Christian books on discipleship are frequently top sellers and the most popular Christian blogs are full of articles on discipleship. Many churches are shifting their focus to making disciples. The number of churches hiring Disciple Pastors is growing dramatically. Conferences on discipleship are emerging and regularly well-attended (a recent conference had more than 100,000 people watching on-line). Churches and ministries must answer this call. C.S. Lewis Institute Northeast Ohio will provide training, resources and other tools to help foster this movement.

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